Core Model
The Personalized Brain (PB) is an innovative technology that has the potential to revolutionize the study and understanding of the brain. It involves the creation of a dynamic mathematical model that simulates the electrical activities of an individual’s brain, providing an in-depth understanding of brain function and disease.
At its core, the PB involves creating a digital replica of the patient’s brain structure and functions on a computer. To ensure the accuracy of the model, various brain mapping and analysis tools have been developed to capture the brain’s structure and dynamics from different Magnetic Resonance (MR) images and Electroencephalography (EEG) records. This means that the model can mimic the intricate workings of the brain, providing a comprehensive picture of the brain’s functions and potential areas of concern.
One of the most significant advantages of the PB is its flexibility. The model can combine information from several brain mapping techniques, including T1-weighted MR images, functional MR images, Diffusion Tensor (DT) images, and High Density EEG (hdEEG) records. Furthermore, the model has the capability to work with only one or a few of the above-listed mapping techniques. Although having access to all mapping sources is desirable to obtain the most accurate brain replica, the model can still produce useful information even with just one source. This makes the PB a powerful tool in places with different levels of accessibility to medical equipment.
The benefits of this technology are numerous. The dynamic brain model can provide an accurate analysis of the brain’s condition and simulate in vivo studies. This allows researchers and clinicians to better understand how the brain works, how it responds to treatment, and how it might change over time. Additionally, the model can predict the brain’s future status, which can be helpful in anticipating disease progression and identifying potential interventions to mitigate its effects.
In summary, the Personalized Brain is a powerful and promising tool for neuroscience research and clinical practice. Ongoing research and development are enhancing the technology, paving the way for new treatments and therapies for a range of brain-related conditions.
Personalized Mapping

Structural Mapping
The parcellation of gray and white matters and construction of the cortex of the Personalized Brain is achieved through the utilization of a Weighted T1 MR image.

Functional Mapping
The functional connectivity of the Personalized model is established by utilizing a functional MR image.

Diffusion Mapping
The anatomical connectivity of the Personalized Brain is determined through the use of Diffusion Tensor Imaging.

EEG Mapping
The Personalized Brain utilizes hdEEG mapping to overcome the low temporal resolution of functional MR imaging. As EEG mapping is relatively low-cost and accessible, a version of the PB is currently being developed that exclusively utilizes EEG mapping.